Flaxseed oil, known as "liquid gold", is used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.
Prevention of oncological diseases, used in breast cancer and rectal cancer. Flaxseed oil also actively fights the formation of tumor cells. Research on this belongs to the outstanding German scientist Johanna Budwig, who devoted her whole life to the study of oncological diseases.
✅ Cardiovascular system, regular use lowers blood cholesterol levels by 25%, reduces the risk of blood clots.
Digestive system, improves liver function, relieves heartburn, constipation, cleanses intestines from parasites.
✅ Prevention of diabetes, lowers blood sugar levels. Flaxseed oil has a positive effect on the entire endocrine system, primarily on the pancreas. Doctors have come to the conclusion that regular intake of flaxseed oil lowers the incidence of diabetic neuropathy. A decrease in blood sugar levels is also observed in patients with type 2 diabetes.
✅ Linseed oil is a natural product that keeps the baby's body healthy. Flax contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that increase immunity in the body, promote calcium absorption and proper development of the musculoskeletal system. It contains a large amount of omega 3 fatty acid, which is necessary for the mental development of the child.
The inclusion of linseed oil in the food diet of children is useful for various diseases of the respiratory tract
✅ In women, it regulates the hormonal background, improves the mood in the premenstrual and menopausal period, it is good to take the oil during pregnancy, because the component contained in it has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy, childbirth, and contributes to the proper development of the brain of the future child.